Matylda Buczko は、Underbelly s01e06 (2008) のシーンでおっぱいとお尻を示していますこのエピソードの間のお尻。最初のシーンでは、青いドレスを着たマチルダが男と一緒にベッドに横たわり、彼が去るまで胸の谷間が見られます。次のシーンでは、彼女がトップレスでベッドに横たわり、横向きに転がる彼女のおっぱいが見えます。それから最後のシーンでは、男が戻ってきてホテルの部屋でゆっくりと踊るとすぐに、彼女がベッドから裸になると、彼女のおっぱいとお尻が再び見えます。
時間: 1:37
視聴回数: 3.9K
公開: 2年前
Matilda Buchko was naked in the 6th episode of the 1st season of the series "Wrong Side of the Belly", released in 2008. She shows us her bare chest and butt during this episode. In the first scene, we see some sort of cleavage of Matilda in a blue dress as she lies in bed with the dude until he leaves. In the next scene, we see her boobs as she lies topless in bed and rolls over on her side. Then in the final scene we see her boobs again as well as her ass as she gets out of bed naked as soon as the guy comes back and they dance slowly in the hotel room.